vendredi 15 avril 2011

3. List and briefly explain the objectives of appraisal interviews.

3.  List and briefly explain the objectives of appraisal interviews.

Objectives of performance appraisals:
The main objective of performance appraisals is to measure and improve the performance of employees. Other objectives include providing feedback, improving communication, identifying training needs, clarifying roles and responsibilities and determining how to allocate rewards.

a.                   Measure performance:  The main objective of performance appraisals is to measure the performance of employees and compare results against agreed set objectives and behaviours in view of improving this performance and increasing their future potential and value to the company.

b.                  Provide Feedback and give support:  The manager will give feedback to the employee on the level of performance he achieved (positive feedback when good performance is reached – feedback for improvement when results are below expectations). The feedback received by the employee can be helpful in many ways. It gives insight to how superiors value your performance, highlights the gap between actual and desired performance and diagnoses strengths and weaknesses as wells as shows areas for improvement.

c.                   Identify Development plans:  During the appraisal meeting, manager and employee will identify the causes of poor performance – understand why expected level was not reached.  They will agree on necessary training and development options needed to close the gap between current performance and desired performance.  If level of performance is reached, it may show that employee has more potential and in view of future objectives, development plan may also be for future career and new objectives.

d.                  Recognise performance:  Good performance will be recognised and rewarded.  This will depend on whether the PMS is linked to a reward and how the organisation has structured this reward plan.  If well structured, documented with clearly defined criteria and communicated to employees, it can be a way to reduce employee’s apprehension and grievances as regards to promotions, salary increases, allocation of performance bonus etc…

e.                   Improve Communication: The appraisal meetings are formal opportunities for manager and employee to meet and discuss about the way performance and see whether things are moving in the right direction.  It helps superiors strengthen relationships and improve communication with employees.  However, they must not wait for these formal meetings; there should be ongoing communication between both parties.

f.                    Clarify Expectations: Performance appraisals should clarify roles, responsibilities and expectations of all employees.

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