vendredi 15 avril 2011

12. What type of training is required to make adequate use of performance management systems?

12.  What type of training is required to make adequate use of performance management systems?

For a successful and sustained implementation of any Performance Management System and so that the PMS is effective and achieve its objectives, all parties involved must be informed and trained on its philosophy, objectives and how to apply the process.

Different training will be given depending on what step of the PMS is considered and depending on the involvement of the person.  Training to Managers / Supervisors /appraisers will be different from that given to employees / appraisees. 
Training will be given for each concerned party as per below:

·        Top Management – Managers - Appraisers:
·        General training on the philosophy, on the process: what elements form the PMS – what are the aims? Why is it set up? Who is involved and concerned?
·        How to write SMART job objectives with appropriate KRA’s & KPI’s
·        How to monitor performance and assess behaviours?
·        How to use tools & techniques to collect valid data & facts to sustain ratings?
·        How to carry out appraisal meetings?
·        How to give constructive feedback?
·        How to identify performance gap and define developments plans / training?
·        How to deal with employees who do not agree with the final ratings?
·        How to use the process and the IT system supporting the process?

·        Employees - Appraisees:
·        General training on the philosophy, on the process: what elements form the PMS – what are the aims? Why is it set up?
·        How to write SMART job objectives with appropriate KRA’s & KPI’s
·        How to monitor self performance?  (create accountability)
·        How to collect valid data & facts to sustain ratings?
·        What attitude and mindset to have in appraisal meetings?
·        How to accept feedback?
·        How to carry out self assessment and identify performance gap and propose training options?

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